FAQs & Knowledge Base

Get tips and advice on delivering (or achieving) exceptional rankings in Local Search Engines.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Welcome to our knowledge base! We understand that you may have questions about the use of Localium, so we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions to provide you with the information you need. If you have any additional inquiries or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.

Do I have to pay automatically after the month of trial?

We will never simply debit money from your credit card or bank account without permission.

What is your pricing model for Localium? Are there any hidden fees?

We operate on a monthly recurring fee structure based on the number of licenses used. There are no hidden fees – you pay for what you see.

Can I use Localium on a White Label basis?

Contact us if you would like to use Localium on a White Label basis. We do not offer this yet but with sufficient demand we might.

How does your GDPR protocol look?

Our SaaS product is fully GDPR-compliant, ensuring the utmost protection and transparency for users’ personal data. We’ve implemented rigorous data mapping, consent management, and breach detection protocols. Additionally, our platform accommodates all individual rights, from data access to erasure. Regular reviews and updates guarantee our ongoing alignment with GDPR standards.

Is my data safe with Localium?

Absolutely. We prioritize data security and employ industry-leading encryption methods. Additionally, Localium is compliant with [relevant regulations, e.g., “GDPR”] and undergoes regular security audits.

What kind of support do you offer for Localium users?

We provide 24/7 chat support, email support. Plus, there are extensive resources and tutorials available on our website specific to Localium.

How often do you update Localium? Do I have to pay for updates?

We regularly roll out updates to enhance Localium’s functionality and user experience. All updates are included in your subscription; there’s no extra cost.

Do you offer integrations with other tools?

Yes, we offer integrations with a wide range of popular software. Check out our integrations page or contact our support team for specific tools.

Knowledge base